Employee turnover can be a sizable issue in any industry, including the trades. Employees are the backbone of any company; they help support the company culture. Hiring employees that align with your company’s core values is important. When looking for potential workers, searching for employees that fit into this dynamic is essential. This process is not always easy, but there are resources available to help you.
The Search for the Right Hire
Looking for new employees can feel overwhelming as there is much to consider. What kind of training have they acquired in the past? What are their learning styles? Work experience? There is an endless array of questions, but what are the crucial points to check before hiring someone?
Given 74% of business owners admit to hiring the wrong kinds of workers for their business, learning efficient HR management and trade-specific HR tools is crucial to success. Human resource management can support your business by helping you find the right workers for you. At Hire Knowledge, we have compiled a course created by human resource professionals to teach you the essentials and to help you set up your hiring system anytime, anywhere.
Trade-Specific HR Risks
Say there is a Certified Master Electrician named Alex. He runs his own company with the help of his spouse. He’s a hard-working man with a booming business, too many jobs to keep up with and no extra workers. Alex focuses on residential homes. He is looking for journeyman electricians with residential experience and good communication skills.
Unfortunately, Alex has gone through many employees over the years. Alex prides himself on customer satisfaction and wants his employees to do the same. Alex needs help finding workers with the right personality and skill set to fit his work culture and his business’s needs.
In the trades industry, as in any, it can be difficult to know someone’s work ethic and tone from their resumé. Alex finds most of his time is spent sifting through resumés, time that he doesn’t have to spare. Stacks of resumés and countless interviews are tasks that Alex cannot afford.
Alex may be missing out on the perfect workers for his business, as he will skip through all commercial electricians because he doesn’t have time to teach someone a different skill set. Skills can be taught, but attitude can’t, and he may be missing out on an entire group of potential candidates.
What steps can Alex take to establish a better hiring plan and bring on new employees who are there for the long run? Let’s highlight the significant issues Alex has.
1. Time
Time is his number one problem. He’s losing money by spending too much time on areas that do not benefit him. Human resource management courses can help teach Alex how to use his time more efficiently and what to look for when sorting through resumés.
2. The Interview Process:
Alex might not know what questions to ask his interviewees. Asking the right questions can tell you a lot about a person. Alex may need help formulating consistent interview questions to focus on what aspects of a worker he wants. Outsourcing to HR professionals can help Alex determine accurate and efficient questions to ask.
3. Management Techniques:
There are many different possibilities as to why Alex struggles to keep employees. Managing people can be challenging, especially without training or a proper management system.
Luckily, there is a solution, a course to help with hiring, management, and training needs. With Hire Knowledge, I’ve created several human resource courses to help reduce hiring times and build performance management programs to guide your company’s success.
Retain Employees Better
At Hire Knowledge, our human resource planning will help you achieve your goal of hiring the employees you need. Your employees are what drive your success and help maintain a consistent standard. You want your employees to be a reflection of you, your company, and your company’s values. With Hire Knowledge’s help, you will learn the skills to manage a company with workers who thrive under your company’s structure.
Find the Right People for the Jobs Sooner
There is no better place to start HR courses in Canada than at Hire Knowledge. Our Hiring Essentials Course will teach you the essentials to attracting, hiring, and retaining the best employees for your business. To gain even more HR education, join our VIP Membership for webinars, templates, and more.
Contact Hire Knowledge today to start stepping in the direction of success and inquire about our new up-and-coming course on The Foundations of Performance Management.
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